
"Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us."
-Sargent Shriver

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

55 days.

The countdown for heading to Tanzania begins.  It seems everyday my list of things to do doubles with each item I cross off.  However, I'm making sure to spend as much time possible with friends & family, kiss my faucets, eat jars of Nutella and peanut butter, and enjoy all of my favorite Kansas City spots.  In the meantime.....

  • Review packing list-check
  • Create final month bucket list-check
  • Visit Columbia as much as possible-check
  • Get yellow fever vaccine-check
  • Turn in all paperwork for DU-check
  • Do a 'I'm so excited for Tanzania' dance-check
  • Spend hours reading current TZ PCV blogs-check
  • Plan Harry Potter Marathon party-check
  • Skydive-check
  • Send a massive going away party invite-check
  • Finish my insanity work-out-check
  • Learn how to knit-check